Friday, February 24, 2012

Surf's Up

We had Kate and Rob staying over last night just at the end of their three month stint in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore in search of sun, fun, broader horizons and finding themselves. Actually I don't think the last of these was on their minds, but Rob did mention some of his friends had talked about that possibility. They arrived looking like two extremely cool surfer dudes and I was, and am, of course, suffused with envy that they have crammed into their three month sojourn more than I've managed in quite a few years. But then I reckon I found myself quite a while ago. (And wasn't terribly impressed, if truth be told. Hah!)

We'll be taking them to the airport later and are now contemplating the logistical puzzle inherent in figuring out how to get Rob's surf board, I kid you not, into our little car.


Trebuchet said...

Don't you normally put the board on top of the car? After all, "Surf's up!"

Brian Connor said...

Hah! Painful - but, hah!