Saturday, October 8, 2022


Still considering my recent hospitalisation and its aftermath. When I started to come around in ICU, but was still highly confused, I often felt lost and alone. Fortunately this was mitigated by Noi's frequent visits which anchored me to at least some sense of reality and helped keep me going. 

And when I finally arrived back in the real world and transferred to an ordinary ward a large part of the process of recovery was being able to have visitors, of which there was a steady, welcome stream. The same has been true of the last eight days at home. Each visitor has left me feeling so much better as if the unwell version of myself has been left further and further behind. We've just enjoyed a jolly old time with Boon and Mei, for example, and it felt suspiciously like any of the times we spent together prior to my illness.

I'm also aware of having benefitted immeasurably from all the messages of goodwill I've received. It's touching to be told that someone remembers you in their prayers and, at the same time, it's somehow bracing - as if you'd better get on with the job of recovering to live up to their expectations.

So, not lost or alone at all. Highly connected, in fact. Nice.

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