Sunday, June 11, 2023

People In Rome

The most obvious thing to say about the people in Rome is that there are lots of them, of all shapes and sizes. There's also a lot of them on display in terms of the quantity of flesh many choose to reveal. This can be rather off-putting when it's the kind of flesh one would normally choose to avoid viewing, but let's be charitable and acknowledge it's a case of each to his or her own.

Must admit though, I've been taken aback at just how many of the ladies here have decided it's a good idea to tattoo themselves in ways that it's difficult to see as appealing - and I'm referring here to ladies in their middle years rather than callow youngsters. I hesitate to describe the majority of such tattoos as disfiguring since that sounds so unpleasantly judgmental, but, in all honesty, that's the way I see them. I suspect there's something rather sad going on, but it's not something I understand.

By the way, in case the above sounds unbearably sexist (and in some ways it does) I should add that it's a pale reflection of the Missus's critique of what we've witnessed.

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