Saturday, May 29, 2021

Just Walking

Today was the first day of the school vacation, unaptly marked by a morning spent contributing my bit to the school's Open House 2021 - and getting a bit of marking done in between. To be honest there wasn't a lot for me to actually do over the three and a half hours of my involvement - hence, the marking breaks - but I was tied down to monitoring what we were sending out on-line for what is known now as a 'live event' (live except for being on-line and being almost entirely recorded, that is.) So it was a relief to get out for a walk in the afternoon.

In fact, this was my first extended walk since the gym closed down and home-based learning kicked-off. I suppose I should have got out earlier, but it always seemed like there was something or other to do, even when there wasn't, if you know what I mean. And I kept thinking that somehow the holiday was the right time for getting out and about.

Anyway, I took myself off to Holland Village in the blazing sun, and made myself useful by buying a couple of large size potatoes for Noi when I got there. Normally the highlight of such a journey would have involved sitting in the CBTL there and imbibing a cuppa, but given the current restrictions on eating & drinking outside this was not to be. I intended to substitute the quaffing with some deep philosophical thought but failed to think of anything much other than how much I was sweating and how out of condition I felt. Better than nothing, I suppose, but only just.

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