Monday, December 28, 2020

Falling Apart

Had to go and see my back doc again today, but not about the usual bit of my back - the lower part of my spine - that's given me so much trouble over the years. Today he was focused on my neck. It turns out that the pain in my arm that's been troubling me for several months comes as a result of the degeneration of the bones in the upper part of my spine. Not exactly good news. But he thinks the pain can be relieved and gave me plenty of medication to deal with it. Which is good news as I'm a bit fed up dealing with the problem.

It's a funny thing dealing with problems that are a natural result of getting on in years. The realisation that basically you're never going to get 'better' in the real sense is a bit of a downer, to say the least. But the fact that you're still up and moving and can do something to deal with life's challenges helps in formulating a balanced perspective. Anyway, there's no real choice involved, except the choice of just getting on with it. Which is always a good one.

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