Saturday, March 21, 2015

Finishing Touches

The Missus is performing her usual miracles of getting the homestead shipshape after a few days of 'upgrading' by nephew Ashraf and his team of technicians. They've been busy installing various cameras and lights around the property in an attempt to make it rather more secure, this following an attempt at a break-in last year. Of course, we know it's impossible to keep out determined professional crooks but we reckon doing a bit more to deter casual criminals looking for an easy mark on the taman won't go amiss. It's now possible for us to view video of ourselves eating dinner. The wonders of technology, eh? On top of  all that, we've just installed a new Astro decoder which, I'm told, does marvellous digital things I don't understand.

The irony is that we'll be saying goodbye to it all in about four hours. Talk about things not lasting.

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