Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Enjoyed the plotting of the first Wallander novel. Surprised by Mankell's deliberately protracted ending, but pleasantly so. The loose end also was unexpected, but a reminder that life is full of them. There are no neat plots in reality, but a good story needs a sense of forward momentum which is often achieved by deliberate simplifications, or, rather, powerfully synthesising insights that make sense of complexity and render it tractable, graspable, readable.

Heard some other fascinating stories today, tied to broad sweeps of narrative - one of which concerned the history of this island. A reminder that wherever you are is always more interesting than your limited understanding can ever grasp. Lots of necessary loose ends, and what looks like a reasonably happy ending for one of the narratives, insofar as any story ever really ends, insofar as any story can ever engender anything close to happiness.

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