Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Balm Of Hurt Minds (Plenty Of)

With Noi going up to Melaka on family business over the weekend I've been experimenting with playing various CDs at reasonable volumes (or unreasonable, depending on how you look at this) and catching up on great nature's second course. Both have proved highly enjoyable, assuaging the pain of temporarily losing the Missus to some small degree.

Some findings in the light of this research: The Who's Quadrophenia is enhanced with each additional decibel, but I think I prefer Berg (Alban) at a distance. It's not wise to doze off on the sofa when this involves waking at 3.00 a.m. and having to negotiate your way to bed and deal with the glum realisation that the laptop's battery has exhausted itself and you've failed to listen to the rather tasty download featuring a discussion on Al-Birundi you were so much looking forward to. Even the enjoyment of watching the less than mighty scousers shoot themselves in the foot against Wigan is no guarantee of staying awake for the length of such a catastrophically dull ninety minutes.

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