Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fruitfully Occupied

Noi is dozing in the bedroom still in recovery after what sounds like quite a fun-packed child-centred trip to Penang. I've just stirred from my own bit of afternoon napping having nodded off listening to Messiaen and reading a Chekov short story. Yes, this is the life.

We're intending to get into gear this evening though with Arab Street in our sights. We've got Mei & Boon coming round to shake us out of our well-earned lethargy.

And we got ourselves over to our former stomping grounds on the east coast earlier today, basically for me to get the critical bits of my machinery checked out by the Doc at East Shore. His verdict: I'm good at least to December. We followed this by engaging in some switching of currency at Parkway Parade (the rates there being the best you're likely to get anywhere on the island) and eating the kaya toast they serve at the Kopi Tiam which is a many splendid thing, as they don't say.

Oh, and we got the big fat purple chair we sent for repair back which means the living room is complete again. A good thing this as we intend to do some good living in it.

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