Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stuff, Lots Of

We have a problem. It's been a day of crossing the river for us - from Mansion to Hall. This has entailed a reduction of one room in our living space. But we have somehow acquired enough stuff over many years in the Mansion to have filled every corner thereof. With fewer corners to fill we now face a surplus.

So this is not such a terrible problem. There are plenty of people in this world for whom the lack of stuff is not simply a headache but an issue of life and death. But it remains a genuine problem in our little corner of the world, one the missus has heroically been attempting to solve. She's been leading the way whilst I've been skulking at work.

It'll take time, lots, to resolve the situation and resume business as usual, but we'll get there in the end. In the meantime I'm left contemplating the mystery of how easy it is to accumulate so much that you can convince yourself you really need, when you don't. (I hasten to add that I'm the real offender in this. Who would have thought the old man to have had so many CDs in him?)

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