Monday, August 24, 2009


3 Ramadhan 1430

Life somehow seems a lot simpler when you're not worrying about eating and drinking for the length of the day. I've just been reading about the centrality of poverty - faqr - in the lives of the Sufis, in Mystical Dimensions of Islam. It's possible to get a sense of how this worked for them even from the luxurious perspective whence I peek out. I suppose, above all the sense that they were following in the footsteps of the Prophet, peace be upon him, gave deep assurance of the validity of this path: faqri fakhri - poverty is my pride. Revolutionary stuff!

1 comment:

Trebuchet said...

For some reason, I was minded of the Scottish name Farquhar, which comes from the Gaelic and means 'friendly fellow'. People from Edinburgh pronounce it 'faqr'.