Friday, January 3, 2025

Looking Back

Noi mentioned just now that she'd heard something about flooding in Stockport. Since I'd been there in December to watch County in action and we'd enjoyed the Christmas panto at the Stockport Plaza I felt sort of obliged to find out what was going on and came upon this in the on-line version of the Manchester Evening News. Must say, it doesn't sound good for those caught up in the mess created by the overflowing River Tame - which was never much more than a bit of a trickle in the Denton & Haughton Green of my childhood.

In fact, reading about floods in various locations in the land of my birth has become something of a feature of the winters of the last few years. Not sure what climate-change-denialists might make of this innocent but accurate observation. 

When we were in Manchester Noi and I watched a documentary late one night about the floods of 2023 which had wiped away the happy Christmases of quite a number of folks. It felt like uncomfortably voyeuristic viewing, to be honest, reducing the misery of others to a sort of late night entertainment. It's funny to think that as a kid I was rightly reminded of how lucky I was to live in a country that didn't have to deal too often with natural disasters. Innocence lost, eh?

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