Sunday, December 3, 2023

Not Connecting

Not sure why but I'm experiencing one of those periods in which I just don't seem able to connect with anything I read. I'm struggling with the poems in the History segment of Lowell's Collected Poems and struggling to read the three periodicals that have been waiting for my attention since May. I took these with me to Rome & Amsterdam back in June and made no progress then, but that was partly because I had some novels with me to read. Now there's no excuse.

I did manage to finish the February issue of the NYRB yesterday, but didn't find anything of value in any of the articles, nothing that got me even mildly excited. And just now I gave up on a couple of articles in the issue of Philosophy Now from the same period as my brain kept wandering.

I'm not intending to give up on this stuff. But I'm not quite sure what good it's doing me.

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