Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Something Lost

I'm very annoyed at myself. I contrived to waste forty minutes of my life this morning watching a supremely dumb video on YouTube about the 'downfall' of a famous 'influencer' from the early days of the Internet. I'd never heard of the young lady in question prior to watching the video and I learnt nothing of value to myself, or anyone else for that matter, in the excruciating trawl through her sad life.

I suppose I vaguely thought I was finding out something about an aspect of our culture that I'd previously been blind to, but really that wasn't the case. I'm well aware of the fact that a lot of young people are capable of behaving very badly indeed in public and that a few paradoxically get rewarded for this, with disastrous consequences for themselves and a fair number of the people around them. It's no great secret either that the substances often used to fuel such behaviour don't help, especially when there appear to be serious mental health issues involved.

The funny thing is that the video itself, though dismally parasitical in nature, feeding off the emptiness it documented, was really well put together in terms of its production values. Someone with a fair degree of talent had worked hard to create something that was fundamentally worthless, except in terms, I assume, of making money somehow. 

And there I was, watching the darn thing. Stupid or what!?

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