Friday, February 17, 2023

Blown Away

Currently reading Alice Munro's The Beggar Maid and very glad I am. After completing the first two stories I jotted down How does she know so much? A genuinely puzzled but appreciative question. She's on another level. The highest. 

I'm trying to recall the title of the collection of inter-linked stories by her that I first read, some six or so years back, I reckon. I remember being impressed, but not quite so much as I am by The Beggar Maid.

Just finished the fourth story, Wild Swans, which involves the central character young Rose being molested as she takes a train journey alone to Toronto. Astonishing writing. Munro takes you there, a place you don't want to be, and every thought, response and impulse of Rose is blistering true and completely unexpected.


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