Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Still Sad

I remember reading Wordsworth's Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey in one of Jack Connelly's lessons and feeling the impact of But hearing oftentimes / The still sad music of humanity. Suddenly I understood why Jack thought of WW as a genius. Odd to think that even at a callow 17 years old I thought myself capable of hearing that music. 

Heard it again today. And thought of myself, Peter, Simon and Sam the dog walking in the great poet's steps in the Wye Valley, in another life.


Anonymous said...

Remember it well Brian. We were near Symonds Yat when we nearly lost Sam when he slipped off the side of the hill path and was caught in the branches of a tree growing on the side.

Brian Connor said...

Oh gosh. That exact moment just came back to me. What a wonderful dog Sam was, eh?! If we'd have lost him we'd have been heart-broken.