Friday, October 20, 2023

Rising Damp

These days I'm entirely dependent on The Missus for getting ferried around. I wasn't allowed to renew my driving license back in September due to my current status as an epileptic. It feels a bit restrictive to be driven everywhere but has its compensations. For example, getting a ride to Friday Prayers today meant I was able to avoid the long walk across the HDB carpark as I was dropped outside the back entrance to the masjid and, despite the fact the heavens had decided to open up just at that time, I didn't get absolutely soaked in the thirty seconds or so needed to negotiate the path. But I did get wet, despite having an umbrella with me.

It's odd to pray feeling distinctly damp in one's lower regions. Actually it's by no means unpleasant in the sense that it reinforces the notion of some kind of accomplishment being involved and that, somehow, it's been a struggle to get there but being there is the only really important thing and worth abandoning all sense of comfort for. Mind you, if I'd been as wet as some of the other guys were around me, the ones who'd sprinted across the carpark with no umbrellas at all to protect them, I'm not sure that I would have been quite as complacent about the experience.

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