Sunday, October 4, 2020

Value For Money

In case you are wondering why I have chosen to upload pictures of a fairly nondescript plastic container of correction fluid, let me tell you that the little red and white bottle above represents possibly the best value of any single purchase in my life. It ran out of the white stuff inside last Friday having provided me years of yeoman service. Yes, you heard me correctly, years. I know this because I used it originally on the official record book for lessons all teachers in this Far Place had to complete weekly in the past, and there wasn't a week went by that I didn't need to blank out something on the page and write over it. And I continue to use the stuff to this very day on the informal 2-week timetables I use to try and keep a rough plan of what I'm supposed to be doing and when. I know for a fact that I was using the bottle for the records I kept two schools back, which means I've definitely had it for at least 17 years - and I suspect it actually dates back to the last century. So kudos to Pentel, the manufacturers. I wonder if they're still in business producing the stuff because now I need to look for some more.

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