Friday, October 23, 2020

Getting Back To Normal

Managed to get a booking for Friday Prayers at Masjid Darussalam for the second time since mosques started opening up again. The number of worshippers allowed has doubled since last time (if my count is right) with some of us placed on the second level. I attended the third shift with the azan sounding at 2.50 pm, and I think I'm right in saying that the number of shifts has increased since last month. It remains an odd mixture of the novel and the familiar. Waiting to pray a good two hours beyond the normal timing was in itself a bit disconcerting and felt sort of wrong even though it was entirely right.

But it's a very positive kind of experience in every way. Apart from the fact that I could finally pray properly in congregation again, I found myself feeling proud of the way those running the mosque were scrupulously following all the sensible regulations helping all to feel safe. And I think everyone could see a logic in the gradual easing of the rules in a way that feels genuinely progressive as opposed to just abandoning all restraint.

Other parts of the world would do well to take a good hard look at what is being achieved in this Far Place. Of course, there's no guarantee the ride won't get a lot more bumpy, but it's that understanding that seems to be fuelling the good sense of the response.

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