Saturday, September 22, 2018

Something Lost

Just now I finished marking and, for no particular reason, put the telly on and glanced at the films showing. There were two of the more recent Star Wars movies on two different channels and I flipped them between for fifteen minutes or so before getting bored. It occurred to me that I'd enjoyed the original films enough to actually go to the cinema to watch them. There would be zero chance of that nowadays.

Yet the sequences I saw were visually very well done, and there nothing wrong with the acting. In fact, the younger performers struck me as being very good. So it was something of a puzzle to account for my complete lack of interest. All I can say is that it was, for some reason, impossible for me to enter their galaxy - and it felt like my loss, somehow.

But the corollary of all this was a certain relief that I didn't find myself with a new and highly productive way of wasting time.

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