Saturday, August 29, 2015

Words Of Wisdom

Found myself speaking to a lot of very bright young people today, mainly about the writing of poetry, but I strayed into a few other areas as well. Of course, it's a situation I find myself in most days of the week, but the difference was that most of today's young people had not had to listen to me before, so there was a distinct sense of the unexpected - at least on my part.

Looking back on today's experience three things strike me, in retrospect as it were:

1. I've become extremely opinionated in my old age, and most of my opinions are a bit odd.

2. The young people I come into contact with here talk a lot of sense, and don't really need too much of other people's opinions (of which they get more than plenty.)

3. I hope they take the opinions of their elders, self included, with a super large grain of salt.

But that's just my opinion.

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