Monday, August 11, 2014

Not Entirely Final

I really thought I'd achieved a reasonable summary of what's on my plate as far as reading is concerned for the next few weeks. However, one fairly major item was added to the list due to an acquisition made when I picked up Noi from Fifi's place last night, whence she'd gone for much of the day to help Rozita prepare the nosh for a group of our niece's friends visiting her for Raya. The tome in question was Watership Down which I bought quite a while back and lent to Fifi believing she would find it irresistible. She didn't. How can any right-thinking teenager not love Adams's marvellous epic? Anyway, it's time for this old fellow to give it another read and see if it's actually as good as he remembers it to be. I have complete confidence it will prove so.

And then it occurred to me that I really should make mention of a book of essays concerning Shakespeare & the Question of Theory which I picked up from the library the other day. Of course, regular visitors to this Far Place will know that I'm not exactly keen on lit crit in general terms and that anything that reeks of Theory is not likely to win my heart. But I do try to keep an open mind on these matters and I actually enjoyed Stephen Greenblatt on Shakespeare and the Exorcists. The other essays, of which I've read three so far, not so much.

And that, I'm fairly sure, is that.


Simon said...

Hi Brian - talking of Colin Wilson the other day I came across this recently. You may have already seen it but thought you might find it interesting given your recent study on the sonnets.

Brian Connor said...

Hey Simon! Good to know you're still popping in - and thanks for the link. I've always had a soft spot for Leslie Hotson even in his barmier moments - possibly, especially in those moments. You know, I really must get hold of something substantial by Wilson again. My much loved copy of The Occult disappeared, I think when I came to this Far Place. Hope whoever got hold of it enjoyed it half as much as I did.