Thursday, April 10, 2014

On The Heights

Finding it difficult of late to make time for real sustained reading. So I've fallen back on close encounters with a poem or two or three a day, moving forward with Wislawa Szymborska through the decades in Poems New and Selected. Is she as good as some claim? Oh yes, yes, yes! Was she worth the 1996 Nobel? And then some.

She starts off with brilliant stuff in 1957 and gets, not exactly better, but brilliant in different ways. Astonishingly I managed not to have really heard of her until 2009 when she was hotly recommended as more than a good read in a seminar I had the good fortune to attend. And I would recommend her at super-heat to anyone out there who loves words and what can be done with them.

And to think I'm talking about translations. What must it be like to read her in the original Polish!

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