Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Sort of Relief

Came home to the news of a robbery at Mak & Abah's house in Melaka. Early morning: five guys with parangs. They tied up Rachid and told the others to keep quiet, or stay sleeping. Time taken: thirty minutes. The losses: a fair amount of cash from various members of the family in residence and ten handphones. The relief: nobody was hurt, including Rachid. His take on matters - the money doesn't matter as long as no one got themselves killed. Sensible as ever.

As someone who was burgled twice back in England (once when asleep, to wake up when all was over; once coming home to the break-in) I can tell you it leaves you with a dreadful sense of vulnerability. And a deep hatred of thieves. I'm not so sensible about these matters. I'm all for getting even, but the relief afforded by good old-fashioned vengeance appears to have gone out of fashion. A pity.

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