Thursday, October 22, 2009


This via Niall Ferguson's Empire: from Boys of the Empire (a magazine for kids) October 1900: The native problem has never been acute in… Australia… The Aborigines have been driven back and are quickly dying out. And this is only just over a hundred years ago - within a couple of lifetimes.

How does Stephen put it, in Ulysses? History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.

Ferguson's bit on the concentration camps devised by the British for the troublesome Boers should be compulsory reading in all English schools. After such knowledge what forgiveness? as an anti-Semitic yankee once put it.


Trebuchet said...

I've been reading J M Hobson's 'The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation'. It's an amazing book, staunchly opposed by many white Anglo-American historians, but equally well-defended by people like Felipe Fernandez-Armesto and... Niall Ferguson. Cambridge University Press (yes that hotbed of sedition and controversy), 2004.

Brian Connor said...

Yes, I noticed your mention of it in Findings the other day. I've not heard of it but I must say it sounds rather tasty. And those are heavyweight supporters to have in your corner.

I'm now considering reading a bit more Ferguson. He's a lot more reasonable than I had previously assumed him to be.