Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pain, Again

It's back to work tomorrow. I'd be being economical with the truth if I claimed to be looking forward to the prospect, but I can't say I'm in any way dreading the idea of getting back to the routine. As long as it isn't overwhelming it isn't something to be worried about. (The problem is, of course, that it can be suddenly, perplexingly overwhelming.) The only real reservation I have concerns the state of my right leg, which in turn involves the state of my back.

Since I did the marking for the IB exams back in May I've been aware that all has not been well with the trapped nerve at the bottom of my spine. The period of time I can stand without obvious pain was brief and is now non-existent. I've also completed taking the medication I was last assigned and I'm not due to see the doctor for a couple of weeks. This means that those two weeks, and the weeks beyond frankly, are likely to be not just challenging but, gulp, highly challenging.

It looks as if I'll be living defensively for quite a while. In the meantime I comfort myself with the idea that things could be worse. I might have been born an Arsenal supporter.


Lucas said...

I guess getting pains in your leg and back are the job hazards of being a teacher!

Brian Connor said...

Hi Lucas. Sounds logical enough - but I suspect my travails are the result of an over-extended career in football (if kicking a ball around for a pub team at the weekend can be termed a career) and attempting wonderful things on a squash court well past my sell-by date. Attempting marathons didn't help either.

Trebuchet said...

Heh, Arsenal supporters are made, not born (or at least that's what old Arsene would have us believe).

You need some time in traction, or that nerve is just going to get worse, you know.

Should you ever pay a visit to the big hospital up east, let me know.

Brian Connor said...

You mean the whole Arsenal thing isn't some kind of genetically inherited disability after all? People have a choice?

Thanks for the heads-up re the big hospital!