Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kafkaesque Laughter

Now reading Franz Kafka's The Castle for relaxation. Some people may think that's a bit of an odd thing to say. The blurb on my ancient Penguin edition, acquired in 1977, speaks of the brooding menace of the novel and an atmosphere of fearful uncertainty. Certainly, but it's also very funny and has an odd sort of relaxing charm. I think readers are prone to take Kafka too seriously and often miss the joke, but I seem to be in a minority of roughly one in this matter.

What has got me worried is the list I made last night of stuff I need to read. Big mistake. There are 16 texts on it, a fair number of which I've started on over the last year and not completed - a habit I thought I'd weaned myself away from. I now feel guilty and am wondering if I can clear the list by the end of June. I think F. K. would have found this very funny.


WW said...

Some people just can't enjoy a little dark humour in their novels. Personally, I prefer these types of novels compared to innocent ones. They allow me to unleash a little of my more evil side with relish. They say repression is bad for you. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!