Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Keep Taking The Tablets

I'm not keen on being highly medicated. Apart from anything else just remembering to take the stuff three times a day is a hassle, and I'm always on the verge of forgetting. I'm also suffering from a rash on the upper part of my torso which, I'm guessing, is an allergic reaction to one of the latest pills. (The doc keeps switching the little blighters around.) But if all this helps repair this old body it'll all be more than worth it. And if it doesn't, it's a timely reminder that these things our spirits ride in will wear out eventually no matter what we do.

For the last two nights I've been suffering ferocious cramp in both legs, the lower bits. This is not conducive to a good night's sleep. It sounds as if I'm moaning about it, I know, and, of course, I am. But there's a kind of fascination involved in the body rebelling in this way. It's unpleasant but distinctly interesting.

But not interesting enough to wish for another night of it. At this moment in time I can think of nothing that would be more rewarding than six or seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.

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