Sunday, February 15, 2009


We've just got back from a one night jaunt to Melaka. This was occasioned by Noi's massage lady being in high demand and thus needing to be ferried over and a number of birthdays coinciding such that a sort of party was deemed to be in order. In addition to this Noi wanted to take over a baby carriage which would be more useful in Malaysia than Singapore (though I'm not entirely sure which baby it is intended for) and she thought it would be a rather good wheeze if I were to avail myself of a bubble bath in the spa that Khalsom and Rachid have created in the compound of the house.

The birthday celebrations turned out to be exuberant to say the least. Enough games were devised to ensure that all the kids looked messy and they all won something. The little ones were still walking around with their medals on Sunday morning. I visited a sort of spa for the first time in my life and had the aforementioned bubble bath. This was pleasant, but you can't read a book in a bubble bath which seems to me a major disadvantage of the experience.

All in all, the real therapy was getting away from it all, if only for a few hours.

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