Thursday, November 27, 2008


Noi got back from Melaka late yesterday evening, with niece Ayu in tow. She's delivering Ayu to the Woodlands branch of the family this evening where, it seems, Fafa can't wait for her partner in crime to arrive. In the meantime I'll be spending the evening circulating at the Year 6 Prom.

The news of Mak is generally positive. That's good.

We've got a hundred and one things to do before getting on the plane tomorrow. That's not so good. But we'll cope. I think.

We brought a new suitcase this afternoon, except it isn't really a suitcase as suitcases no longer look like suitcases. This is change and, therefore, a good thing. One of the two suitcases we used to use gave up its useful life the last time we came back from the UK by developing a large rip along one of its corners. I wouldn't mind but I've only had it for twenty years. Nothing is made to last anymore!


austere said...

Hi, I enjoyed reading your posts. I get here by just exploring. And I'm glad I found another English teacher. I am also a teacher but teaching drawing. I'm not that good in words, what I make sure is they will understand what I am trying to say : )

May you have a gracefilled new year ahead.

Brian Connor said...

Thanks for dropping by, austerebelle, and for the kind comments. I think my admiration for those who can draw outweighs that for those who try to be 'good with words'. I wish I had some talent in that direction.

Trying to be understood seems to me to be at the heart of real teaching and I find it incredibly difficult.

A happy new year to you!