Sunday, February 21, 2021

A Reminder

It's a sad fact about myself that I can be so easily complacent about the problems afflicting the world when they're not afflicting yours truly quite so directly. So far I've had a very easy time of it apropos the pandemic, and I find myself sometimes reading about the woes of others with a faint but distinct sense of personal vindication, as if to say those who haven't shown the same fortitude as myself are somehow lacking in the relevant qualities of character. Odd really since I haven't been called upon to show genuine fortitude at any point at all.

Quite unlike the case of the migrant workers in this Far Place who've been in the thick of it for almost a year now. Until today I was vaguely thinking that things must have got back to something like normal for them; indeed, I thought that their circumstances might even have improved with the move to newer, less crowded dormitories brought on by the belatedly recognised need to control the spread of infection amongst them. But reading an excellent story today on the CNA website about the general situation of the workers put me right.

These are guys who show incredible resilience and fortitude. I have much to learn from them.

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