Monday, December 15, 2014

Just Watching

Being at a fairly loose end today meant I had the time to follow the unfolding of the hostage-taking going on in a café in Sydney. As I am writing now the authorities over there and most of the commentators on various news channels seem hopeful of a peaceful resolution to the situation and it was heartening when five of the poor souls involved got out in the middle of the day without injury. So I'm hoping I can reasonably claim that what gripped my attention was a desire for a good outcome, rather than simply the excitement (horrible word to have to use) of it all. The worry is that this kind of breaking news, as they now call it, is turning into a form of entertainment - one that can be exploited by the crazies of the world.

Postscript: with two of the hostages dead and others injured we can't talk about a good outcome. I suppose things could have been worse - except that for the dead and their loved ones it's as bad as can be.

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