Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reality Shows

Gripped by events in Tunisia and Egypt. Noi's comment on Mubarak: Why not just have an election and get rid of him? The kind of good sense that people sometimes have to lose their lives to make real.

Pleased we are able to get BBC World in the Hall. Their coverage has conveyed both the excitement and complexity of the situation. Took some time out earlier to watch a bit of Fox News that actually attempted to cover what was going on. Jaw dropping stuff, and I don't mean that in a good way. One commentator referred to riots on the streets of France, Greece and Egypt as evidence of Obama's support of corrupt regimes. Quite entertaining in a scary sort of way.

Interesting question - Why would anyone, anywhere assume it was a good idea for them personally to remain unchallenged in power for thirty years?

1 comment:

Trebuchet said...

My sense of things is that most of the region is still pretty tribe/clan oriented. It's not as if democracy is that old a phenomenon, and its varieties can be quite unusual. (Also see 'Victoria Regina, monarch 1837-1901.) Peaceful transitions are of course much better. :(

[Tribalism of course can also be found up north where groups of people in light blue (for example) might vie for honours with groups of people in red. Haha.]