Saturday, March 8, 2008

Losing The War On Capitalism

The conflict is not going well. I'm now in retreat after a damaging trip to Parkway Parade where Noi went walkabout for a good hour and a half. I'm afraid whilst left to twiddle my thumbs in Borders I succumbed to the lure of the March edition of The New York Review of Books and a copy of Alice Walker's The Color Purple (which, in my defence, I need to read for teaching purposes, and which I might be able to charge to the school.) I also purchased a four socket extension thingie which I need for KL where the extension thingie below my desk has decided to give up on one of the plug sockets. I plead necessity on this but in doing so realise how fundamentally I am wired, how entirely connected to the machine. Oh, and I bought a sleeping bag, again a necessity, but you'll have to trust me on this because it's too complicated to explain exactly why here.

I am aware there are those who would point out that all this is simply an excuse for my being a cheapskate. But such criticism would be misplaced. I'm proud of my cheapskatism. The plan (failing as of now) is to take this to a new level.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very amusing, I must say. I've already been subsumed into the capitalist HQ.