Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Fond Farewell

I am no longer At Swim-Two-Birds having departed in the late afternoon. I'd intended to draw out my stay for a few more days but couldn't resist the final segment, featuring the trial of poor Trellis by his own creations and the narrator's equivocal triumph over the Uncle. In fact I found myself snatching a bit of a read here and there in the course of a long, but not unpleasant, day at work.

I'm now considering which fictional location to escape into next.


Anonymous said...

I spotted a copy of At Swim-Two-Birds at a second-hand bookstore going for $4.90. The condition was too unattractive though, so I didn't buy it.

Brian Connor said...

That's a pity. It's not the sort of text you see around much. My own copy, being some thirty-five years of age, is in a parlous condition, and I can't recall ever seeing another edition.